Welcome To The HERE Mindfulness Hub!
Nurture Wellbeing with Mindfulness Programmes and Tools for All Ages
Nurture wellbeing through calm breathing exercises, mindful moments, nature-based activities, creative projects, and more. Whether you're looking to inspire calm in the classroom or create family connections at home, our mindfulness hub includes over 400 activities and themed activity packs designed for educators and providers who support children and teens. (Great for families too!)
(Also find activities for building resilience, nurturing self-acceptance, healing and more.)
Our Programmes In The Real World
“A first of it’s kind program.”
“It was remarkable to observe how each family member embraced these practices. We all left with a greater sense of calm and clarity, ready to tackle the challenges of our daily lives.”
“This is so awesome I’m glad my daughters got this experience!! Children need to be able to know how to cope with stress and frustration and just every day things. I absolutely love it! Thank you!”
“My 3-year-old daughter has been showing her classmates how to do Tree Pose for calm!”
Access our mindfulness tools online, download activities, and share on smart boards for enhanced engagement.
Incorporate into daily practices and therapy for enhanced support
Engage in hands-on learning
Easily access teaching materials + wellbeing strategies
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Say hello to some of our UK and US partners (Customers and speaking engagements)
We're excited to share the HERE Mindfulness Hub with you, developed with input from partners and years of feedback.
"I’ve just accepted a new role as senior support worker for the NHS and want to learn and develop my skill set for the benefit of my clients."
"I am a wellbeing and mental health ambassador for the primary school I work in for both the staff and children. I'm always looking to broaden my knowledge and find new resources that may help our children."
"I’m Head of Wellbeing and PSHE at an independent Primary school, looking to develop early intervention resources to use with the children."
"My parents and grandparents have had MH struggles, my siblings and I have struggled and still are struggling… my 11 year old niece is now struggling. A family approach to support and healing would be amazing for us."
"As a Link Worker, this will be a great resource for me to share in my work supporting children and families."
"We need more opportunities for children to get help… Psychiatrist waits are long... Schools need to be better trained in Trauma Informed… We need more Trauma Informed professionals…. We need more step-down programs."