Call upon these calming methods for those times where stress is increasing and you need to take a moment to recenter. This is not only for the benefit of yourself and the little ones around you, but also to positively model these coping mechanisms. Find mindful activities including creative ideas, affirmations, breathing exercises and yoga poses.
May you be safe. May you be healthy. May you be loved.
We are here for you, for them.
Take a moment to pause, even close your eyes, and with nice, gentle inhales and exhales, repeat the following mantra.
yoga pose
“Easy Pose”
"Sit up tall, close your eyes, and place your hands on your knees. Begin to take a nice, long, slow, deep breath in ~ As you inhale, imagine you are breathing in a big comforting cloud of love and happiness inside your heart, and every time you breathe in more and more again, it gets bigger and more calming! Now, remain still and breathe out a nice, long, slow breath, letting go of any worries... Enjoy the warm feeling of comfort, love and joy surrounding you and within you.”
Take a moment to relax and clear your mind of what’s weighing you down.
“Peace and Stillness”
We all need a moment to find our inner peace and stillness. Remember, we are not alone. Where is the place that you feel the greatest sense of peace and calm? Now imagine being in this place.
“I Need A Break”
We need to ground ourselves and listen to ourselves. We are all hurting at the moment... We’re all in need of healing and to receive kind, loving energy. We hope this theme helps release feelings of being overloaded and allows you to give yourself a break.
“Self Acceptance” Rainbow Theme
Sometimes we have to move through tricky feelings and tricky times. Your feelings during these tricky times are valid and ok. Acknowledge them and breathe so that you come out stronger on the other side. Just like a rainbow after a storm.
“I Am Here. I Am Grounded.”
Everything is connected - We are to one another and also towards the earth, so let’s use this time to reconnect to ourselves, to each other, and to nature.
We are building strong, peaceful, resilient hearts through the magic of being here. Talk to us about helping your home, classroom or organisation integrate simple, mindfulness activities into your daily routine to help overloaded feelings.
Love, Dana and Jen x