Self-care toolbox for parents, providers, educators and the families and children you care for

The cold winter months and busyness of the holidays can sometimes leave us feeling blue and overloaded. We can turn to nature and to our breath for help! Think of bright yellow and orange Wintergold pines and firs that light up dreary skies and bring warmth to the landscape. We can bring this warmth and light into our lives too, while practicing gratitude for what’s within us and around us. All that’s needed are a few moments to reset and refocus, enabling us to continue with a clearer mind and greater sense of inner peace and self-love. Let’s be golden, like Wintergold!

May you be safe. May you be healthy. May you be loved.


Golden You Mantra For Self-Love


“the leaves are falling” MEDITATION FOR CHILDREN

“The Leaves Are Falling”

(Time: 11-minutes) As the leaves fall around us, we can learn to let go of what we don't need or want. Float softly in the wind, you feel so light and free. You can go wherever you want to on this journey! (Click on the image to settle in and listen.)


“Hedgehogs and Autumn Leaves”

The time has come for the seasons to change… To welcome in new beginnings…And set intentions for the coming months ahead. First, appreciate all that you are and all you have achieved so far. Take a moment to think about what you want the next few months to look like, and welcome in the change you want and need. As we enter the Autumn season, let’s settle and ground ourselves.

“I Need A Break”

We need to ground ourselves and listen to ourselves. We are all hurting at the moment... We’re all in need of healing and to receive kind, loving energy. We hope this theme helps release feelings of being overloaded and allows you to give yourself a break.

“Self Acceptance” Rainbow Theme

Sometimes we have to move through tricky feelings and tricky times. Your feelings during these tricky times are valid and ok. Acknowledge them and breathe so that you come out stronger on the other side. Just like a rainbow after a storm.

“I Am Here. I Am Grounded.”

Everything is connected - We are to one another and also towards the earth, so let’s use this time to reconnect to ourselves, to each other, and to nature.


We are building strong, peaceful, resilient hearts through the magic of being here. Talk to us about helping your home, classroom or organisation integrate simple, mindfulness activities into your daily routine to help overloaded feelings.

Love, Dana and Jen x