Building Strong Brains and Hearts Through The Magic of Being Here: Evidence-based mindfulness tools and techniques that Build Resilience, And support feelings of calm, healing and connection

Mindful Toolbox Jennifer Armstrong Mindful Toolbox Jennifer Armstrong

Weekly Mindfulness Toolbox: Happiness

It is important to be happy right? Absolutely! But it is unrealistic to be this way all of them time as life loves to throw a lot at us, good and bad. In light of Children’s Mental Health Week, we wanted to share our happiness toolbox to offer coping mechanisms for when the rough stuff comes our way, as well as to help bring in some joy into your life.

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Mindful Parenting Dana Olson Mindful Parenting Dana Olson

Breathing Techniques, Mantras and Yoga Poses For Resilience and Healing

Whether it’s feeling your blood pressure rise during a long queue at the store, or experiencing overwhelming feelings of sadness and stress due to family trauma, we can all feel overloaded, particularly during the holidays. We understand, and have created some simple breathing techniques, mantras and yoga poses for those moments you need some inner peace.

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Mindfulness Activity Dana Olson Mindfulness Activity Dana Olson

The London Mindful Living Show: An Amazing Community To Help With Integrating Mindfulness Into Your Life

We want to share some of the amazing creators, products and companies we came across at the Mindful Living Show, as it can be so helpful to have products and organisations in your life that can help with sleep, relaxation, meditation, yoga, anxiety and stress. There were many great exhibitors and groups, but here are a few of our favourites.

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Mindful Toolbox Dana Olson Mindful Toolbox Dana Olson

Axel Recommends: Ommie and the Magical Garden

“Hello, is this your magical garden?” The story and the pictures are just adorable as you follow Ommie on her adventure encountering animals in the magical garden, and made it a lot of fun for Axel to do the poses along with the pages. He really loves cats, so got a big tickle out of seeing Cat Pose.

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Mindful Parenting Jennifer Armstrong Mindful Parenting Jennifer Armstrong

Mindful Parenting and Positive Modeling

As a parent, if you want your child to develop a healthy sense of emotional resilience to all the various, mounting pressures there are on children each day, model mindful behaviour yourself. Your child will observe the way you deal with stress, anger, happiness, etc., all of which you have the ability to positively model.

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