Building Strong Brains and Hearts Through The Magic of Being Here: Evidence-based mindfulness tools and techniques that Build Resilience, And support feelings of calm, healing and connection

Mindful Holiday Season Jennifer Armstrong Mindful Holiday Season Jennifer Armstrong

Settle Into The New Year With Kindness And Health

Choosing to live mindfully has never been more important for us all. Whether you are at the start of your mindful living journey, or you have practiced this way of being all of your life, here are as few tips we wanted to share with you to help draw some practices into your daily life. These can help to boost your health, wellbeing, and allow you to move through the most challenging of moments with greater control of your body and mind.

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Mindful Parenting Dana Olson Mindful Parenting Dana Olson

PICNIC Parenting: A Mindful Parenting Technique For Those Challenging Moments

When the kids don't want to brush their teeth before bed and we are tired and ready for me time, the easiest solution often seems to raise our voice and loose our cool. Or is it?

How about we first press our internal pause button and introduce some mindfulness into our interaction with the kids? It can really help us enjoy family time more by learning to respond to each other in a calmer more rational manner.

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Mindful Parenting Jennifer Armstrong Mindful Parenting Jennifer Armstrong

BBC Panorama ‘Kids in Crisis’- A Must Watch For Us All

The mental health of children is becoming an increasingly worrying topic which although being spoken about, I am evermore concerned with what is actually being done to support these children, or prevent them from developing these issues in the first place.  

In this revealing and emotional BBC Panorama, ‘Kids In Crisis’ takes us through the process that many children and families are having to go through.

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