Settle Into The New Year With Kindness And Health

5 mindful tips to practice kindness and health


Having said goodbye to 2020, now is a time to look forward to this new year ahead of us. 

As we find our rhythm, make sure you give yourself space to settle in, and adapt to these changing times.

Many of us were hoping that closing the book on 2020 would bring good things, greater health, and lightness at the end of the tunnel. However, so far, 2021 has brought just as many challenges, if not more! 

It is important that we live every day without expectation, that we refrain from living in the future and being attached to the end goal, as well as having stuck and stagnant thoughts about the past. 

Choosing to live mindfully has never been more important for us all. Whether you are at the start of your mindful living journey, or you have practiced this way of being all of your life, here are as few tips we wanted to share with you to help draw some practices into your daily life. These can help to boost your health and well-being, and allow you to move through the most challenging moments with greater control of your body and mind.  

1. Move your body for 20 minutes a day


This doesn’t need to be strenuous movement by any means! As most of us are still working from home and aren’t as mobile as we are used to, make sure you set aside 20 minutes in your day for a short brisk walk, gentle yoga movement, even dancing! Whatever you need to move your body and release some endorphins, the ‘feel good’ hormones, which triggers positive feelings we could all do with at the moment! 

2. Daily act of kindness 

Can you choose one thing every day to do as an act of kindness? This can be for yourself or towards another, or even better ~ for both! When we show kindness towards others, we increase the serotonin levels in our brains, giving us a ‘helpers high’ feeling which boosts our happiness and well-being. 

3. Setting intentions 

Set an intention for the new year. What do you wish to achieve or fulfill this year? Do you have a certain goal? An area of personal growth you’d like to work on? Or a need to bring more joy into your every day? This can be a family discussion activity around the dinner table, or something you think about quietly in your mind. Make a note of your intentions, and you can refer back to them at any time you need to be reminded. 


4. New Year Mantra 

Can you write a special mantra for yourself? You can draw and decorate your mantra on a piece of paper and stick it up on your fridge or bedroom wall. This will be your mantra unique to you, which you can look at whenever you need a reminder throughout the year. You can write mantras such as ‘I am enough’ ‘My challenges help me grow’ or ‘Today I choose to be kind’.

5. Take each moment, each day, each week as it comes

Finally… don’t forget tip no. 5! We can move into this year with the best intentions, but don’t forget to simply take each moment as it comes. Be kind to yourself by allowing space to breathe, moments to pause, enjoy the little wins, and time to yourself when possible. 

Join us for practice!

virtual yoga and meditation sessions with Jen


If you are keen to practice with us, here is our timetable for our weekly online yoga and meditation sessions with AlbyTV, a part of Family Support, Hammersmith & Fulham.

All sessions are free to watch live or at a time that suits you best on Family Support’s Facebook page ~ click here to access.

We will get through this, and we are here to support you every step of the way. 

New Beginnings Meditation

 We are Here For You, For Them. 


Mindfulness At Work


Merry Mindful Christmas