Self-care toolbox for parents, providers, educators and the families and children you care for
As we go through struggles, we can all too easily think we are alone. We are not alone. We are here together. Remind yourself of this when times feel heavy. Think of yourself as a beautiful tulip in a field of thousands of tulips, “Oodles of Tulips!” ~ You are surrounded by your community and supported by the earth. Take a moment to be still. Feel connected to, and held by the earth. Close your eyes and practice the mantra: “I am loved. I am connected to all life on earth. I send loving kindness into the world.”
May you be safe. May you be healthy. May you be loved.
Affirmation For Peace And Kindness
Mindful Moments and Activities For Children, Teens, Families And The Providers Who Support them
“Calming Blue Sky” Meditation For Children
“Calming Blue Sky”
(Time: 10-minutes) Get comfortable, close the eyes, and shake out all the wiggles! Relax the whole body, shoulders, face, jaw, tummy, arms, hands, legs and feet. Imagine you are laying on a soft white fluffy cloud, resting here all comfy and cosy…You look up and see the bright, blue sky above you...You are so warm here, the sun is shining down on your face...You slowly start to drift high into the sky...You hear the sound of birds flapping their wings beside you...And notice other clouds slowly and calming passing you by. Feel like all worries are melting away from you...
Additional Mindfulness Toolboxes For Calm, Healing and Connection
“Wintergold and Gratitude”
The cold winter months can sometimes leave us feeling blue and overloaded. We can turn to nature and to our breath for help! Think of bright yellow and orange Wintergold pines and firs that light up dreary skies and bring warmth to the landscape. We can bring this warmth and light into our lives too, while practicing gratitude for what’s within us and around us.
“Floating Kitty” For Calm and Healing
We hope you enjoy this mindful activity pack, inspired by 7-yr-old Axel! Axel has noticed how his kitties would rest with their paws tucked in, and how calm and relaxed they are in this position… He also said they look like “floating kitties!” And with that, we bring you this “Floating Kitty” theme for calm and healing.
“Resilient Deer In Winter”
Just as deer feed their bodies for strength and endurance particularly leading up to colder weather, we can also feed our minds! As we enter the winter season, let’s tune in to our breath to help with calm and resilience while we build our brains. All that’s needed are a few moments to reset and refocus, enabling us to continue with a clearer mind and greater sense of inner peace. Let’s be resilient like deer!
“Hedgehogs and Autumn Leaves”
The time has come for the seasons to change… To welcome in new beginnings…And set intentions for the coming months ahead. First, appreciate all that you are and all you have achieved so far. Take a moment to think about what you want the next few months to look like, and welcome in the change you want and need. As we enter the Autumn season, let’s settle and ground ourselves.
Teddy Bear Belly Breathing
We are building strong, peaceful, resilient hearts through the magic of being here. Talk to us about helping your home, classroom or organisation integrate simple, mindfulness activities into your daily routine to help overloaded feelings.
Love, Dana and Jen x