Building Strong Brains and Hearts Through The Magic of Being Here: Evidence-based mindfulness tools and techniques that Build Resilience, And support feelings of calm, healing and connection

Mindfulness Tips Jennifer Armstrong Mindfulness Tips Jennifer Armstrong

5 Ways To Find Your Flow Navigating Out of Covid

Many of us have not lived through an experience like this past year, so being thrown into it has been challenging ride. One comforting thought, however, is that there has never been a time that you could pass anyone in the street, or shop, and know that you are all going through the same experience, (albeit in your own way). It’s a reminder that we’re in this together.

So what can we do to help ourselves navigate our way back to our normal? We wanted to share a few tips below that might be able to help with the everyday during this ongoing transition time.

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Mindful Parenting Jennifer Armstrong Mindful Parenting Jennifer Armstrong

Teaching Kids To Appreciate ~ Don't Just Be Sad It's Over!

Being thankful is something that we want to instill in children from such an early age, always telling them to ‘say thank you’, even before they learn the meaning of the word they may say it, purely because it is expected of them. Is it more that we need to explain why we ask children to be thankful so they can truly learn the meaning of appreciation and gratitude?

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Mindfulness Activity Dana Olson Mindfulness Activity Dana Olson

The London Mindful Living Show: An Amazing Community To Help With Integrating Mindfulness Into Your Life

We want to share some of the amazing creators, products and companies we came across at the Mindful Living Show, as it can be so helpful to have products and organisations in your life that can help with sleep, relaxation, meditation, yoga, anxiety and stress. There were many great exhibitors and groups, but here are a few of our favourites.

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