Building Strong Brains and Hearts Through The Magic of Being Here: Evidence-based mindfulness tools and techniques that Build Resilience, And support feelings of calm, healing and connection

Family Yoga Dana Olson Family Yoga Dana Olson

Om:Pop With Family Support: Releasing Overwhelming Feelings of Inadequacy

"It felt natural to share the practice of self-loving kindness in the guided Ho'oponopono; the ancient practice of self-forgiveness, acceptance and unconditional love. Very often we feel inadequate and not a good enough parent, guardian or human, and the simple but beautiful meditative words: “I'M SORRY, PLEASE FORGIVE ME, THANK YOU, I LOVE YOU” are to remind us and bring us back to our core practice of love, humility and assurance."

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Mindfulness Activity Dana Olson Mindfulness Activity Dana Olson

Bee Breathing and Stress Resilience

Once you have expanded your awareness back into the space where you are sitting or standing, notice whether there is a shift in your breath and/or your mood. Then remember that a mindful awareness practice, such as this yogic humming bee breath, can calm your nerves and release feelings of frustration, anxiety and even anger.

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Mindful Parenting Dana Olson Mindful Parenting Dana Olson

Om:Pop With Family Support H&F: Serve and Return

We were delighted to lead two Om:Pop Sessions with Family Support, Hammersmith and Fulham focused on the topic of “Serve and Return.” Our bespoke yoga, brain building and meditation sessions at Cathnor Park Children’s Centre and Melcombe Children’s Centre focused on integrating positive, back-and-forth interactions between caregivers and their little ones.

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