Om:Pop With Family Support H&F: Resilience
brain building, mindfulness and resilience: “we can give kids support early to help them develop coping skills”
HERE Om:Pop at Cathnor Park Children’s Centre, Family Support
In the midst of October, we are talking about “resilience” and brain building for our Om:Pop Sessions with Family Support, Hammersmith and Fulham.
From Family Support:
“Think of a child’s development as a scale. The way the scale ends up tipping is like the outcome of the child’s development, so we want it to tip towards the positive side. Positive things like supportive relationships get loaded on one side and negative things like abuse, neglect or community violence get stacked on the other. The goal of every community is to have development tip positive for as many kids as possible. To do this we can offload as much weight as possible from the negative side and we can stack as many factors on the positive side as is possible. This is called stacking the scale.
We also know that we can give kids support early to help them develop coping skills. These skills push the balance point over to one side and make the scale harder to tip negative and able to bear more negative weight and still tip positive. This is what resilience is.”
Brain Building and the Resilience Scale
“A person’s resilience scale is a good predictor of health outcomes, and what gets placed on the scale in early childhood is especially important.” ~ Alberta Family Wellness Initiative
how yoga helps with resilience
“We use yoga with children to help build their emotional awareness and understanding, aka their self regulatory capacity, to be able to help them acknowledge emotions, express them, and be able to breath through all that life throws at them.”
family yoga and brain building with jen armstrong, co-founder of Here
how meditation helps with resilience
“Meditation is a mindful awareness practice that can help us find calm in the midst of the chaos that is family life. A consistent meditation practice will help rewire our brains to mindfully respond instead of unconsciously react each time our parental buttons get pushed.”
Meditation with Karin Schrijvers, Bubble + Sprout
Another important topic from a recent Om:Pop with Family Support ~ Stress Response. Jen has created a Mindful Family Toolbox on the topic of managing stress response, that you may find of interest too. Read it via the button below!
Thank you for following our Om:Pop + Brain Building series with Family Support! You can learn more about our Om:Pops via the button below.
Our Om:Pop series with Family Support Hammersmith & Fulham is brought to you by HERE in partnership with Bubble + Sprout, where we bring bespoke mindfulness, yoga and brain building sessions to families. Family Support, backed by the H&F Council, has an incredible mission, which is to help families in Hammersmith & Fulham thrive. This includes their “Brain Builders” initiative with activities and resources to help build your baby’s brain!