Mindfulness At Work

How Corporate Mindfulness Programs With HERE Can Help Bring Calm and Healing To Your Team Members, create connectivity and build resilience

Corporate Mindfulness Programs by HERE

It has never been more vital that we take care of ourselves, and do our best to live a healthy lifestyle that can boost our physical and mental well-being. Stress can affect our immunity, leaving us more vulnerable to illness, and not taking care of our mental and physical health can affect how we are able to deal with the challenges and uncertainties we currently face. This is where mindfulness practices can play a vital part in rebuilding healthy bodies and minds. 

Mindfulness practices can easily be introduced into the workplace, and can come in many forms. These practices not only support the employees within an organisation, but also the clients they work with and the families they go home to.

Calming, Healing Meditation for the workplace

With many of us working from home at this time, we can feel a sense of disconnectedness not only to friends and family, but also to colleagues and our daily world as we knew it. One way you can help bring team members together is through virtual, calming, healing meditation sessions. In a 20-30 minute session, you can pause and breathe together, remind each other that you are here, and release overwhelming feelings, while all benefitting from the shared practice. 

online yoga for employees

The benefits of a physical practice such as yoga during the working day are also aplenty. Especially as our homes have become our workspaces for many of us, it is important that we keep the body moving. Yoga is a great way to mobilise joints and build strength while also incorporating mindfulness through movement, breath work, meditation and relaxation. 

We are here to supplement your current well-being offering and support your employees and those around them experiencing  feelings of being overloaded, feeling disconnected and discouraged, and perhaps even losing faith in themselves. Our mindfulness programs help build resilience, bring calm and healing, and we have teams in the UK and the US ready to support you no matter where you are.

the benefits of a corporate mindfulness program

Bespoke corporate mindfulness packages

We work with a variety of organisations including startups, schools, non-profits and councils, working with their staff, service users, students, and families alike. 

Our online programs are bespoke for each organisation based on their individual needs. We can create these themed programs either via developing a dedicated website or web page for your organisation, and/or shareable content packages for internal communication tools such as email campaigns, newsletters, Slack, Yammer, Workplace or WhatsApp. 

the benefits of yoga for your employees

Choose any or all from the following for your program:

  • Virtual mindfulness sessions

  • Pre-recorded audio meditations

  • Videos, printables, tips and activities with yoga poses, mantras, meditations, and other actionable items to integrate into the day

  • Online support

Mindfulness sessions we offer

Group Meditation  

Bespoke to the needs of your employees, these sessions can range from 15-30 minutes and are based on a timely theme. These sessions offer an opportunity to pause and reconnect to the self, and can include breath work, visualisations, body scans and mantras. The longer sessions will end with a few seated stretches to re-awaken the body and mind into the day. 

Slow Flow Yoga 

Our slow flow yoga class serves as a restorative, calming and gentle healing practice. Consisting of mainly floor-based postures, this class aims to draw in a sense of relaxation through gentle stretching and breath work, ending with a relaxation.

This yoga class is 45 minutes - 1 hour in length.

Vinyasa Yoga 

Our vinyasa yoga class serves as a more dynamic session, with a slightly stronger flow, but options are always given to suit students of all abilities. This session includes some breath work, yoga movement and a relaxation to end the session.

This yoga class is 45 minutes - 1 hour in length.


Family Yoga 

Our family class provides the opportunity for adults and children to connect with themselves, and each other, through fun yoga movements, breathing techniques, sensory props, and relaxation. Family yoga provides an opportunity to be present and still together, teaching the importance of taking a moment to relax in this shared experience. 

This yoga class is 45 minutes - 1 hour in length.


Online yoga classes for kids by HERE

Kids Yoga

Our kids yoga class is centred on themed yoga poses, breath work and interactive activities, ending with a relaxation. Experiencing a welcoming, engaging and calming space can aid children’s feelings of self-confidence, sense of calm, attention and overall well-being.

Depending on the age of the children, this yoga class can range from 30 minutes - 1 hour in length.

Enquire here

We are here to help bring calm and comfort to your team members through a mindful living program. For more on our corporate programs, click here. Fill out the form below to get in touch with us!

We look forward to hearing from you about launching a corporate mindfulness program for your team members!


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