"Rest Your Mind Time"

Children's Mindfulness Made Simple: Tips and Techniques for Educators, Parents, and Providers Who Support Children and Teens

When you and the little ones you support are feeling a little worried, remember that your breath is always here for you and it's okay to take a break. We hope you enjoy our latest mindfulness theme, “Rest Your Mind Time,” designed to help you cultivate peace, improve focus, and nurture emotional well-being.

visualisation: “Your Favourite Place”

Read the following story slowly, allowing pauses for time to reflect.

“Think about your favourite place… Maybe it's a beach, a forest, or even snuggled up in pillows and blankets. Close your eyes and pretend you're there. How relaxing does it feel? What do you see around you? Can you hear any special sounds? Maybe birds singing or waves crashing? What about comforting scents like flowers or freshly baked cookies? Take a big breath in—fill up your belly like a balloon—and let it out slowly. Let’s take two more healing breaths just like that…. Breathe in ~ Slowly breathe out. Deep breath in… Exhale it all out and let it go.” (Then can open the space up for discussion on how everyone feels.)

You can rest your mind by doing a simple activity like this! Whether this special place is real or imagination, you can visit it whenever you need a little calm.

Discussion + creativity:

“What sort of calming world do you think of when visualising a comforting, safe space?” ~ this can be used as an art activity too, drawing and colouring calming worlds.

More “Rest Your Mind” Mindfulness Activities For Children and Teens

Rest Your Mind Jar Creative Mindfulness Activities For Children and Teens

How to make and use your own “REST YOUR mind” jar:

What you’ll need: 

  • Jar with a lid

  • Stickers for the outside of the jar (optional)

  • Water

  • Glittery items such as as glitter, sequins or gems

  • Food colouring (optional)

  1. Grab your jar (If everyone has a jar, you can use this as a creative activity time, using stickers to decorate the outside of the jars.)

  2. Fill the jar close to the top with water

  3. Add the glittery items

  4. Add a drop or two of food colouring (optional)

  5. Close the lid tight!

  6. You’re ready to go! (Instructions below)

How To Explain the “Rest Your Mind Jar” activity with the children and teens you support:

“Let’s shake the jar! See the glitter moving about inside? This represents your mind feeling busy, with lots of thoughts in your brain! Perhaps this represents stress you’re feeling, or anxiety. ~ Let’s take some calming, deep breaths in and out as we watch the glitter settle. This is your mind calming.” ~ (Wait for the glitter to settle, and then open things up for discussion time.) ~ “Take a moment to think about how you feel right now. Would anyone like to share?”

You can use this whenever you need as a visual representation of what stress and overwhelming feelings looks like, especially if they are worked up, anxious, or even having a tantrum. This activity also makes them aware that they are not their mind…. That they can choose to calm themselves, and the process of watching the jar settling in itself will be a calming process. You can also model this to your child! Demonstrating and explaining the symbolism of the jar will help reinforce its great benefits in the child’s growing brain.


The “One Minute Challenge” with the Calming Cuties

story time with the calming cuties:

In a world that's fast and loud,
Where noise can form a heavy cloud,
Meet the Cuties, calm and sweet,
Who make each minute quite complete.

"Let's take a pause," they softly say,
"To make the most of our today.”

Find a spot where you can sit,
Close your eyes if you wish for a bit.
Take a deep breath and then let it out,
That's what this challenge is about.

Just one minute is all you need,
To plant a tiny, peaceful seed.

So whenever you're in need of rest,
Get nice and cosy in your little nest.
Practice the “One Minute Challenge” and you'll be sure to find,
A peaceful pause to still your mind.

How can we help support you?

We are building strong, peaceful, resilient hearts through the magic of being here. Talk to us about helping your home, classroom or organisation integrate simple, mindfulness activities into your daily routine to help overloaded feelings.


“Acorns and Amber: Mindfulness For The Autumn Season”


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