3 Mindful Tips For The Working Day

HERE Corporate Mindfulness and Well-Being Programs

In these unprecedented times, the stress and anxiety people are feeling is massive. The fears around Covid-19 and its impact on ourselves and society weighs heavy. On top of that, job insecurity, working while homeschooling, worrying about family members, or wondering if you’ll be able to pay the bills this month while looking for a job are all factors that only compound things.

Whether physically in the workforce, working for home, or job hunting, there are things you can control, and mindfulness can help. At any point during the day or night when your mind is racing, you can take a brief moment to pause, slow down the mind and let go of some of your burdens.

Here are three simple mindful tips that can you during the working day when the chatter in your mind is overwhelming.

Stop and Breathe

Take three, deep breaths filling the whole of the lungs and diaphragm, softly exhale and let it all go.

Five-Minute Time-Out

Take five minutes away from your workspace to nurture yourself and do this as often as you need throughout the day. Move the body for a few minutes, have a cup of tea, connect with someone, or do a brief meditation and/or breathing exercise.

One-Minute Pause Button

Imagine pressing a big, red pause button in your mind…. Pause for one-minute and allow your breath and thoughts to slow.

pause in the breath

You can also take a couple of minutes to “Pause In The Breath” ~ A simple breathing technique to help release overwhelming feelings. Follow along with HERE Co-Founder Jen Armstrong in the video below.

HERE Corporate Mindfulness Programs

We are here to help bring calm and comfort to your team members through a mindful living program. For more on our corporate programs, click here. Fill out the form below for more information!


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