"You Are Worthy of Love" with Lovella The Green Glitteroon

Mindfulness activities for Kids from Our Calming Cuties Series

"Accept who you are," she says with a smile….Each part of you is worth the while. Embrace your uniqueness, let it be seen, Just like my fur, so bright and green."

Welcome to our activity pack featuring Lovella the Green Glitteroon, designed for those who teach and care for children. This pack includes the story "I Am Enough," simple breathing exercises like "Breathe Into The Heart" and "Joyful Breath," a "Cat-Cow" heart-opening yoga stretch, and a "Kindness Tree" activity. It concludes with another story, "You Are Worthy Of Love," to help children embrace self-love and self-worth. Use these activities to create a supportive space for children to learn and grow, and to invite calm, comfort and healing.

May you be safe. May you be healthy. May you be loved.

How can we help support you?

We are building strong, peaceful, resilient hearts through the magic of being here. Talk to us about helping your home, classroom or organisation integrate simple, mindfulness activities into your daily routine to help overloaded feelings.


Nurturing Resilience: Essential Mindfulness Packs for Providers and Educators Who Support Children, Teens and Families


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